PDFs & Tech Graduates Undergraduates Past Students
BSc in Chemical Engineering (2009) - Shiraz University, IRAN
MSc in Chemical Engineering (2011) - Sharif University of Technology, IRAN
Evaporation-driven instabilities
Research Interests: Evaporation-driven flows, Thermocapillary flows, Particle image velocimetry, Numerical simulation, Heat and mass transfer, Temperature jump
Evaporation from the interface of a liquid may result in instabilities in the liquid. While during evaporation at atmospheric pressure in air, these instabilities are mainly generated by a surface tension gradient at the interface (Marangoni convection), it is reported that the driving force is completely different during evaporation in vacuum pressures in the absence of air. That is, the Marangoni convection is weak and the flow is mainly driven by a density variation in the bulk liquid (Rayleigh—Bénard convection).
In this project, the flow field in the liquid during evaporation in vacuum is measured using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). In addition to the velocities, the temperatures are measured in the liquid and vapor, with particular interests at the interface, using a fine wire thermocouple, with a wire diameter of 25 m and a spherical bead diameter of 50 m.
The experimental results are used to validate the results of a numerical simulation of the system. The agreement of the measured velocities and temperatures with the simulation help us understand the physical phenomena at the interface such as temperature discontinuity, flux distribution, interfacial instabilities, and etc., which has not been fully understood so far due to limitation of measurement techniques in such a small scale.